ASML is a leading company in the semiconductor industry that produces photolithography equipment used in the manufacturing of integrated circuits (ICs) or chips. Their primary products are advanced photolithography machines, which use light to transfer complex circuit patterns onto silicon wafers. This process is essential for creating the tiny, intricate structures found in modern microchips.
Key ASML products include:
1. Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Lithography Systems: These are ASML’s most advanced machines, capable of producing the smallest and most complex chips by using extreme ultraviolet light. EUV lithography is crucial for manufacturing cutting-edge processors and memory chips.
2. Deep Ultraviolet (DUV) Lithography Systems: These machines use deep ultraviolet light and are essential for producing a wide range of semiconductor devices. They are used in various stages of chip production and for manufacturing chips with slightly larger features compared to EUV lithography.
3. Metrology and Inspection Systems: ASML also produces equipment for measuring and inspecting the wafers and patterns to ensure the quality and precision of the semiconductor manufacturing process.
ASML’s technology is critical for advancing Moore’s Law, which predicts the doubling of transistors on a chip approximately every two years, leading to more powerful and efficient electronic devices.